Dominant Enterprise Berhad (221206- D)

Dominant Enterprise Berhad is a public listed company on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad. Today, the company is proud to have thirteen (13) subsidiaries under its wings that are, among others, involved in the manufacturing of environmentally friendly engineered wood mouldings, laminated wood panel products as well as the distribution and export of a wide range of wood products worldwide.
Development of The Group

The history of the Group stems from its distribution operation in Singapore under AIPL, which commenced operations in 1992, mainly supplying plywood and other wood-based products to the local building industry and furniture manufacturers. With growing business opportunities in Malaysia buoyed by the property market boom, the Group subsequently ventured into the Malaysian market in 1993 and set up its first operation in Kuala Lumpur with the incorporation of ISB. In the same year, CTSB was incorporated and started its operation in Johor Bahru to tap into the markets in the southern region of Peninsular Malaysia. Later in 1993, AIPL, CTSB and ISB were consolidated under DEB and became the wholly-owned subsidiaries of DEB.
At various stages throughout a 10-year duration, DEB Group has via its subsidiaries, ISB and CTSB, expanded to other regions in the Peninsular Malaysia by setting up business stations in various strategic locations, such as Muar, Butterworth, Kuantan and Kota Bahru, to expand market reach. At present, the Group has established a comprehensive distribution network in the Peninsular Malaysia.
Subsequently, in 1994, based on the favourable prospects of the global building industry and furniture market, the Group incorporated PWSB to undertake the manufacturing of primed MDF mouldings and wrapped mouldings. The products are environmental friendly and exported to over 20 countries around the world.
Then, in 2000, BISB was set up to produce laminated wood panel which is a popular value-added raw material for the manufacturing of knockdown furniture components. BISB is strategically located in Muar, Johor which is the furniture hub of Malaysia.
To further expand its product range and tap on the existing distribution network, DEB decided in 2001 to acquired JSB, a company which is principally engaged in the distribution of printed wood panel products and building materials to the building industry, local furniture industry as well as other industry related wholesalers.