Our analytical team provides public and private ratings on companies and their debt instruments, including bank loans, senior and subordinated debts, commercial papers, and hybrid debt instruments. Indeed, we cover the securities of a wide range of corporate sectors, including energy, oil and gas; construction, building materials and real estate; commodities and industrials; and retail and consumer. MARC’s rating universe of infrastructure and project finance encompasses a variety of domestic projects and infrastructure assets in the toll roads, energy, water and port sectors.
MARC also rates financial institutions, state governments and structured finance transactions, and regularly publishes considerable independent research on the domestic bond markets, industry trends and economic issues of general interest to the investing public.
MARC is a Securities Commission (SC)-recognised credit rating agency upon its fulfillment of requirements set out in the SC’s Guidelines on Registration of Rating Agencies issued on 30 March 2011. We are also a Bank Negara Malaysia-approved External Credit Assessment Institution. A public limited company with paid-up capital of RM20 million, our shareholders comprise major insurance companies, stockbrokers and investment banks in Malaysia.
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